Tuesday, 23 July 2013

A year later and life returns to sanity (sort of)

Well, since it's been just over one year, it seems fitting that I should return to the scene of the crime - my blog about the house. I'm going to post a few blogs over the coming weeks to update people on the progress from the past year. I'll try to break it into some blocks that chronicle some of the progress over the late summer, early fall, winter, spring, summer...to today (and the ongoing work that still needs to be done).

Why did my blog come to a crashing halt you ask? Well, life got in the way. A 6 week old baby, an epic road trip with a six week old baby to Edmonton, travels to Sweden, Dubai, Belgium, China, the States, India, China, the States a couple of more time, Ontario, etc., etc. etc. simply meant that I ran out of energy and time. Moreover, I ran out of emotional energy sometime late summer and my hands were kind of mangled from gravel shifting (still not normal a year later).

All that said, the house has indeed come along and I write this sitting inside the place (we moved in in January).

So - over the coming weeks I'll post a few updates of late summer, fall, winter/move-in, spring and now to bring people up to speed on the pain and pleasure of the past year.

For now - here's a shot of my son one year on! How life changes in a year!