Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Hazardous Materials Testing - B

It's well past due that I write in here, let alone update the status of the Hazmat report. While I had been very concerned about the information that would come back from the hazmat report (and frankly, rightly so!), the results were definitely on the "good" side of things.

1. Ducting tape around vents/furnace
2. Breeching cement around chimney
3. Linoleum in Kitchen flooring
4. Linoleum in Bathroom

1. Exterior siding paint
2. Kitchen paint

The good news you ask? The vermiculite in the attic was non-containing (apparently I won the "which mine did your vermiculite come from" lottery - about 70% of the world's vermiculite used for insulation came from the Libby Mine in Montana which had asbestos mixed into it). So, what's the bottom line?....well...depends on who you ask.

I solicited I think four or five quotes and they ranged by $10,000 - a pretty big delta! In the end, I'll be going with someone that our friend and semi-GC (general contractor), Brett, recommended and it's one of the few things thus far that's come in under budget. Sadly, there is much, much more news....

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